Materi Kelas VIII SMP/MTS Expression Invitation


Berikut kata-kata yang bisa Anda gunakan saat mengundang seseorang
Would you like to...?
I would be pleased if you could...
Would you care to...?
Could you come to...?
Shall we come to...?
Why don’t you come to...?
I would be delighted if you...


Berikut kata-kata yang bisa Anda gunakan saat menerima undangan seseorang
Sure. Why not?
Thank you for inviting me.
I’d like to come.
With pleasure.
All right.
That would be very nice.
Sure. I’m coming.


Berikut kata-kata yang bisa Anda gunakan saat menolak undangan seseorang.
I’d like to, but...
Unfortunately. I can’t.
I’m so sorry. I don’t think I can.
Thank you, but I can.
Thank you for inviting me, but...


Berikut contoh dialog bahasa Inggris yang bisa Anda gunakan saat mengundang orang lain. Dialog ini menceritakan tentang Indra yang mengundang Anya menonton bioskop bersama. Semoga bermanfaat.
Indra : Hi, Anya. Have you seen The Conjuring movie?
Anya : Hi, Indra. I have not seen that movie. Why?
Indra : Would you like to see The Conjuring movie with me tonight?
Anya : Unfortunately. I can’t because I am scared horror movie.
Indra : Okay if you are scared horror movie. Shall we come to fireworks party in the downtown?
Anya : When it happen?
Indra : Tonight, dear. How?
Anya : Really?
Indra : Yeah, if you can.
Anya : With pleasure, Ndra. I like fireworks very much.
Indra : Okay, I will pick you up at 8 pm.
Anya : Thank you, Ndra.


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Pembahasan Tentang Stating Willingness Pelajaran Kelas VIII

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